Have You Annualized Your Rate of Return??
Have You Annualized Our Rate of Return??
Hmmm... Lets See...
1% weekly return is what..52% Annually..Right?
5% Weekly is what..260% Annually..Right?
10% Weekly is what...520% Annually..Right?
Now lets get realistic. minimum of 10% weekly occurs about every 25 to 30 weeks. minimum of 5% weekly occurs about 35 to 45 weeks.
minimum of 1% weekly Occurs about 49 weeks.
For the sake of Argument. Let's say I am half-right in my Estimates.
I don't know about you and how you calculate Annual Percentages, but to Me, Anyway I look at it, it's still far and away exceeds their best around 15% Annually. And they don't hit that every year..Do They?? Wouldn't You Agree??
Oh, by the way, What did your Annual Rate Of Return come out to be?
Guess What.. The Risk Factor is about the Same But The Returns are...Well You Just Figured That Out..Right!
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